Self-order kiosk solutions by POSSO Ltd.

Self Order kiosk | Self service kiosk solutions

A Self Order Kiosk can increase throughput – make higher bills – Create a great kiosk feature – Save staff costs, Get ahead of the competition in your area…

A self order kiosk solution that won’t break your budget

Self order kiosk & Digital signage

Self order kiosk

Self Order kiosk

A Self order kiosks also help make more money, according to QSR owners, because they draw people into the shop and prompts people to increase their order.  “People see the self order kiosk as they walk  past and it does draw them in. People like computers and would often rather deal with a computer than a person. “Posso Ltd. make intuitive screen layouts, Clients spend a little bit more because the images of the food are top quality restaurant specific and the menu is interactive: it prompts things like ‘would you like a side with that?’

A Self order kiosks upsells and staff don’t always upsell.”  Posso self service kiosks have certainly caught the attention of many fish and chip and QSR takeaways in the UK They used to say cash is king, but now, in the post covid-19 era, cash is dirty. Handling cash and serving food has become an even bigger issue than ever before, but it doesn’t need to be with the new generation of self-service kiosks from Posso – Allowing for Payment by virtually and device and card contactless, making them a big hit in the QSR take-away sector.

It is calculated the Self order kiosk could  make a £25,000 saving per year through reduced staff costs and elimination of human errors. “You have all seen self order kiosks in places
like McDonald’s – KFC etc. and seeing how effective they are we can say for sure that these big boys of the industry know that Self order kiosk systems are certainly the way forward when trying to be competitive and reduce staffing costs, a Posso self order kiosk  is a lot cheaper than a member of staff. If it’s in there all day every day, you are saving easily £100 every day on just One staff member.

Please note:- Savings and costings can be worked out on individual sites – Figures quoted are a representation of other users feedback

Self order kiosk - pedestal version

Stylish and visual self order kiosk solutions

✔ Elf order Kiosk – Everything is connected?

✔ Self order kiosk, epos till system, Online orders, apps, App to receive the order the Posso One system connects everything to everything else.

✔ Can we just have a Self order Kiosk

✔ Yes you can have self order kiosk only but you need to control the orders some way.. We can do this by accepting orders onto a tablet and printer for the lowest cost option

✔ Can we accept orders on the epos till system?

✔ Yes you can use the epos till system at the same time as accepting orders from the self-order kiosk

✔Do you offer any finance

✔Yes we do – If you need finance for your next project just let us know we can assist with this.

✔ Why Posso Ltd.

✔We offer unrivalled support and the very latest technologies to bring you the best POS system package in the UK.

✔ Can we get a demo or see a running site?

✔✔✔Absolutely – just fill the form on this page to contact us today

 Self Order Kiosk – the best way to save money for your restaurant!

0808 175 3956

Self Order Kiosk is a technological leap that has revolutionized the way restaurants seek to serve the customers. The restaurant innovation combines the latest digital technology with cutting edge design offering a self-service station that’s sure to awe struck the customers. The Self order kiosk solution is a perfect answer to long tiring visitor ques and takes the customer through the entire journey of choosing a product to making the
payment in no time. Here are the stand out benefits: 

Increased Revenue with self order Kiosks

Owing to better menu choice and suggestive selling. it’s no surprise really that self order check out allows the customer a better user experience and therefore increases revenue, with intuitive upselling of your products.

Better Order Accuracy

Due to the self-order concept a guest only orders the food they want

Lower staff Costs

With the multiple role-playing self-order kiosks, lower staffing cost dramatically

Get Rid of Long Ques

With the access to multiple ordering and check out points provided by the self-ordering kiosk coupled with customer order ready screens Posso kiosk systems really do improve volume

Promotional Tools

Displaying menu items on the self order kiosk, discount offer and so on for better guest experience. We eat with our eyes so we strive to give the best food experience directly from the kiosk its self  with super appetising images let your customers choose their food. In a conventional check out queue it’s simply not possible to show off the food you sell in this way.

Self order Kiosk solutions for your business

Fast :: Easy :: Self Order

Take a look at these systems – Before you go just fill the form and lets show YOU how this can be one of  your greatest assets. No wages :: NO Time off sick :: take Payments :: Bigger orders :: Faster ques :: The McDonalds effect CUSTOMERS ARE LOVING IT…

Self order kiosk cost

Self order kiosk cost

kiosk business unit manager for Posso, says that after research and development costs, the typical cost per kiosk (including a display, scanner, credit card reader, and receipt printer) is about £3,800+vat

Self Order Kiosk Fast food

Self Order Kiosk Fast food

The kiosks allow people who order something to easily customize what they want (as opposed to the usual one-burger-fits-all method) as well as asking for what it calls “table service”—having workers bring the food to their table as they sit and wait. In this way, the company claims that there will be no job losses

Self Order Kiosk POS system
Self-order kiosk software
Benefits of Self-Order Kiosk
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Author Rating
Aggregate Rating
4.5 based on 20 votes
Brand Name
Posso Ltd. Self Order Kiosk
Product Name
Self Order Kiosk solutions UK price includes POS system/Kiosk and software
GBP 2,800.00
Product Availability
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