Dry Cleaning ePOS system
Our dry cleaning Epos system the perfect solution for a busy dry cleaning counter. Take control of the ticketing and cash in one go. Our dry cleaning epos system can do all of this :- Add users and give certain user permissions. Monitor cash. Make more money every week by staff charging the correct prices Includes:- Caller ID unit (Optional) Postcode look up (Optional) Touch screen computer Twin Screen (use front screen for marketing and display prices) Front screen graphics for offers (6 x graphics included) We also offer agency marketing plan for you bespoke Wet Strength impact dot matrix Printer Thermal printer for customer and shop copies Cash Drawer 4 note 8 coin metal heavy drawer Keyboard & Mouse Wi-fi Dongle for internet connection Software (no annual fees) Anti virus FREE Ultra Viewer support software FREE Possibly the best value for money epos system for dry cleaning. Excellent epos hardware Package with big brand names you can trust. The same software is bundled with our other great hardware options.
15″ + 15″ (front) PC package from £999 to £1699
15″ single screen pc package from £999 to £1499
All our epos products carry a 18 month return to base warranty and unlimited software support for ever. With no other costs or charges. SMS ready message app now available TXT your customers when their items are ready to pick up. (add on) We give you 1 roll free and 1 extra ribbons so your up and running from day 1. Contact me today for more information simply click on the whatsApp icon on the right of the screen if your on your mobile to connect straight away >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

ePos Software for dry cleaning and laundry businesses

WebCam for Till Guard and picture tickets

Complete ePOS systems for dry cleaning

ePos hardware for dry cleaning

Membership cards for ePOS

Thermal for customer & shop copies

Sample Graphics for Twin Screen Systems

Sample Graphics for Twin Screen Systems

Sample Graphics for Twin Screen Systems

ePOS for Dry Cleaning POS System
Single Screen PC's
AddA choice of Black or White single screen ePOS PC
- Ticket issue
- Find Search customers and tickets
- Discounts %
- Handy stain notes
- Prints shop copy customer copy and stubs for garments
- Can use thermal for tailors shop
- Brand new computer 15″ touchscreen + front advertising screen package
- Brand new Impact receipt printer Keyboard and mouse for office work
- Customer Receipt – shop copy – stubs (show price -/ no price) for agents
- Unlimited
- users Login
- Postcode Look up software
- Delete tickets
- Ticket audit
- Cash audit
- cash up
- Price changes
- addresses
- phone numbers easy look up
- barcode scanner
- Ticket footer Back end management
- Takings report
- Customer reports
- Stock management
- Invoice Agents
- Agents discounts
- Agents billing
- Caller id (add on)
- postcode look up
(add on)
- SMS text when ready facility
(add on)
- 2019 software
- for ever licence
- support
- extended support available
(add on)
Marketing plan
(add on) - Epos system for dry cleaning
- Cash Drawer guard
- garment tickets (photograph any garment ad attach to a ticket)
- sms old stock customers
- Membership cards and clubs (we supply bar coded cards printed)
- Check whats needed that day
- Invoice account customers Send ticket to email
- work in/out report quick ticket with number of items..
- ADD £200 for a scanner for order ready
- FROM £1300+vat
Twin Screen PC's
- Ticket issue
- Find Search customers and tickets
- Discounts %
- Handy stain notes
- Prints shop copy customer copy and stubs for garments
- Can use thermal for tailors shop
- Brand new computer 15″ touchscreen + front advertising screen package
- Brand new Impact receipt printer Keyboard and mouse for office work
- Customer Receipt – shop copy – stubs (show price -/ no price) for agents
- Unlimited
- users Login
- Postcode Look up software
- Delete tickets
- Ticket audit
- Cash audit
- cash up
- Price changes
- addresses
- phone numbers easy look up
- bar code scanner
- Ticket footer Back end management
- Takings report
- Customer reports
- Stock management
- Invoice Agents
- Agents discounts
- Agents billing
- Caller id (add on)
- postcode look up
(add on)
- SMS text when ready facility
(add on)
- 2019 software
- for ever licence
- support
- extended support available
(add on)
Marketing plan
(add on) - Epos system for dry cleaning
- Cash Drawer guard
- garment tickets (photograph any garment ad attach to a ticket)
- sms old stock customers
- Membership cards and clubs (we supply bar coded cards printed)
- Check what,s needed that day
- Invoice account customers SMS customers when not collected
- Email receipts
- Includes Datalogic PDA scanner worth £600+vat with 500sms starter pack
FROM £1500
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